RN [External] VIP Mobility Product Release Notes

This article is designed to contain a reverse chronological order of VIP Mobility product release notes. This is your source for all VIP Mobility product related updates.


VIP Mobility releases are divided into two categories:

  1. Patron App: Release is published as a new version to the App Store & Google Play Store.
  2. Admin Tools App: Release is available in the latest build and can be accessed through TestFlight.


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Patron App

Accumulated Release Notes

Table of Contents



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2024-03-06 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: March 6, 2024


New Functionality


     11062: MW | Allow Operators to Retrieve VoucherValidation Number for Issued Tickets



    11334: Resolve Speed Issues Loading Transaction History When Viewed from Admin App


New Functionality


11062: MW | Allow Operators to Retrieve VoucherValidationNumber for Issued Tickets

The work in this story allows VIP Mobility developers and administrators to request a full VoucherValidationNumber for specific tickets so that jackpot operators can generate a barcode for the VIP Mobility app to read and redeem. It also updates that Mobile Jackpot redemptions are paid directly to a patron's ledger and labeled as "Jackpot" in the Patron's transaction history in the database and the app. 


11334: Resolve Speed Issues Loading Transaction History When Viewed from Admin App

This work addressed a defect in the timeliness of loading transaction history in the Admin App, specifically optimizing queries for ticket transactions when filtered by merchants.



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2023-12-18 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.9

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.9


Release Date

iOS: December 18, 2023

Android: December 18, 2023


New Functionality


5645/6710: Android/iOS | Implement Feature Flag for Managing Planned Outages

8699/8700: Android/iOS | B2C Toggle Feature Flag


New Functionality


5645/6710: Android/iOS | Implement Feature Flag for Managing Planned Outages

The work done here ensures that if and when the VIP Mobility app needs to be disabled temporarily for planned maintenance, we can notify patrons and display a screen indicating maintenance is being performed and detailing the scheduled maintenance date and time.


8699/8700: Android/iOS | B2C Toggle Feature Flag

This feature flag will allow developers to toggle between the Global Payments and Pavilion Payments B2C Environments throughout the migration efforts. This should not impact patrons.


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2023-11-15 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.8

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.8


Release Date

iOS: November 15, 2023

Android: November 15, 2023


New Functionality


5624/4694: Android/iOS | Disable Voice Option for MFA


New Functionality


5642/4694: Android/iOS | Disable Voice Option for MFA

As the VIP Mobility team continues to work to enhance the VIP Mobility Patron app, there has been a transition to Contact Confirmation Service for MFA. With this change, the need to remove the option to allow patrons to select "Voice" for MFA confirmation has been removed.


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2023-11-15 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: November 15, 2023


New Functionality


6843: MW | Change LogDebug to LogInformation in Ticketing Services for Better Visibility    

4685: MW | Implement ThreatMetrix Client         


New Functionality


6843: MW | Change LogDebug to LogInformation in Ticketing Services for Better Visibility

This change allows logs to appear in the VIP Mobility App Insights for redeeming vouchers and tickets and issuing and syncing tickets. 


4685: MW | Implement ThreatMetrix Client  

ThreatMetrix (TMX) must be called to determine if a patron is who they say they are. This work makes the TMX request, evaluates the response, and allows VIP Mobility to log into app insights to ensure calls are made. It does not store any data from TMX. After assessing the message, if TMX returns a review failure, the Patron will see an error message. Additionally, this configurable feature can be turned on or off when needed.



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2023-10-25 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.7

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.7


Release Date

iOS: October 25, 2023

Android: October 25, 2023


New Functionality


4713/4714: Android/iOS | Check T&C Version

3829/3827: Android/iOS | Enable Deep Link URI


New Functionality


4713/4714: Android/iOS | Check T&C Version

To ensure that the Patron has reviewed and accepted the most recent version of the VIP Mobility App Terms and Conditions, the work in this story checks the Patron's most recent accepted date and, if needed, will prompt to review the newest terms and conditions. Patrons will be blocked from play until acceptance of the required Terms and Conditions is met. 


3829/3827: Android/iOS | Enable Deep Link URI

Enabling deep link URI will allow third-party applications to invoke VIP Mobility by allowing patrons to open the app from a URL within a different app or site.



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2023-09-28 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: September 28, 2023


New Functionality


US362257: MW | Merchant ID Added to Admin User

US362276: MW | Update Admin Tool Endpoints with Merchant Security

US362286: MW | Update existing users with merchant IDs


New Functionality


US362257: MW | Merchant ID Added to Admin User

This work allows VIP Mobility Admins to create and obtain admin tool user profiles with merchant IDs to manage the merchant data other admin tool users can view. Pavilion "Super Users" can still see all merchants, while casino users will be associated with only a single Merchant ID.

 US362276: MW | Update Admin Tool Endpoints with Merchant Security

This user story applies merchant security to current admin endpoints and external user endpoints.

US362286: MW | Update Existing Users with Merchant IDs

Previously, existing users were not assigned Merchant IDs. This story updated all users and roles with Merchant IDs.


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2023-09-20 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: September 20, 2023


New Functionality


 US378771: MW | Convert to Textgrid Services

 US383633: MW | Expose T&C Accepted Date/Time

 US385494: MW | Change Patron Authorization to Use Patron Phone Number Look Up

 US343508: MW | Convery MFA to Textgrid and prep for Contact Confirmation Service (CCS)


New Functionality


US378771: MW | Convert to Textgrid Services

The work done in this user story completes the config change to convert all messaging instances, including SMS, URL, Account SID, Authorization Tokens, and Phone Numbers, to textgrid services. 

US383633: MW | Expose T&C Accepted Date/Time

To proceed with front-end Terms and Conditions enhancement user stories, MW must expose the most recent date and time a patron accepts the current version of the Terms and Conditions within the VIP Mobility App. This work reveals the date and time the Patron last accepted the Terms and Conditions within the VIP Mobility App and records new dates if/when a patron updates their acceptance.

US385494: MW | Change Patron Authorization to Use Patron Phone Number Look Up

All Patron views will utilize the phone number attached to a patron's VIP Mobility account rather than the object ID. 


US343508: MW | Convery MFA to Textgrid and prep for Contact Confirmation Service (CCS)

This user story migrates all existing MFA solutions to TextGrid and implements a feature flag and code that will allow the utilization of Contact Confirmation Services once it comes online. Patrons will continue to receive a one-time MFA code via SMS or email, depending on their selection. Voice is no longer an option.


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2023-08-25 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.6

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.6


Release Date

iOS: August 25, 2023

Android: August 25, 2023


New Functionality


US354574/US354575: iOS/Android - Display Choice4 Settlement in Transaction History



DE111555: iOS | Settlement Terms display for non-eCheck transactions

New Functionality


US354574/US354575: iOS/Android - Display Choice4 Settlement in Transaction History

In the VIP Mobility app Ledger History, Choice4 eCheck transactions are currently only listed as "eCheck transaction." The work done in this user story allows patrons to see which settlement term is associated with each eCheck transaction retroactively.


DE111555: iOS | Settlement Terms display for non-eCheck transactions

While completing the user stories above, it was discovered that settlement terms were displaying for non-eCheck transactions on the transaction history screen. Settlement terms should only show for eCheck transactions. This error has been corrected and is no longer an issue.



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2023-08-09 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: August 9, 2023


New Functionality


F30492 - .Net Core Upgrade to 6

  • US358017 - MW | Mobility | Upgrade .Net Core 6
  • US358018 - MW | Functions | Upgrade .Net Core 6
  • US358016 - MW | Router | Upgrade .Net Core 6
  • US304182 - MW | Code Debt | Update Caching Implementation

            US354576:  MW | Display Choice4 Settlement in Transaction History

            US374444: QA to UAT Caching Issues



           DE109926 - MW | MFA Voice Option is not working


New Functionality


F30492 - .Net Core Upgrade to 6

VIP Mobility has completed the four (4) user stories listed on page 2 to upgrade the current MW solutions target framework for .NET Core 6. This upgrade was necessary to ensure the code remained current and is supported by Microsoft.

US354576:  MW | Display Choice4 Settlement in Transaction History

In the VIP Mobility app Ledger History, Choice4 eCheck transactions are currently only listed as "eCheck transaction." The work done in this user story allows patrons to see which settlement term is associated with each eCheck transaction retroactively.

US374444: QA to UAT Caching Issues

Due to the upgrade to .net6, our caching mechanism developed a fault that made it challenging to discover the root cause and delayed the release. Our work in this story resolved those issues.


DE109926 - MW | MFA Voice Option is not working

When a patron selects the Voice option for MFA, the expected behavior is that they will receive a voice message to the phone number they provide, which reads their MFA code so they may link their VIP Preferred account. The VIP Mobility team found an error was occurring, and the voice message received by the Patron indicated that there had been an app error. This error has been resolved through a code change, and the defect no longer presents any issues.



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2023-07-28 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.5

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.5


Release Date

iOS: July 28, 2023

Android: July 28, 2023


New Functionality


US370007/US370008: iOS/Android | Update Terms & Conditions Link(s)



DE110500: VIPM | Get Started Button can be selected when network speed is slow


New Functionality


US370007/US370008: iOS/Android | Update Terms & Conditions Link(s)

The link(s) in the VIP Mobility app allowing patrons to access the Pavilion Payments Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy have been updated. 


DE110500: VIPM | Get Started Button can be selected when network speed is slow

When a patron logs in to the VIP Mobility app through the B2C process, the expected behavior is that the Get Started button cannot be selected multiple times while login/sign-up is processing. The VIP Mobility team found patrons could hit the Get Started button multiple times when slow network speeds and responses took longer than expected. This error has been resolved through a code change, and the defect no longer presents any issues.



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2023-06-30 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.4

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.4


Release Date

iOS: June 30, 2023

Android: June 30, 2023


New Functionality
US350480/US350483: iOS/Android | Create Profile - 409 error
US335886/US336296: iOS/Android | Do Not Show Renewed Vouchers in History
US362596/US362597: iOS/Android | Update “Powered by...” image


New Functionality


US350480/US350483: iOS/Android | Create Profile - 409 error

This work was completed in response to a bug discovered when a patron attempted to create an account. Still, after the initial 404 error from VerifyPatronExists, they received four (4) subsequent 409 errors when calling the Patron/Create endpoint. With this change, if a patron gets a 409 error, the app will place a GetPatron call and allow the Patron to proceed to the main Play screen. 404 errors will direct the Patron to contact CAMS

US335886/US336296: iOS/Android | Do Not Show Renewed Vouchers in History

Previously, vouchers renewed via auto-renew were still displayed in the Patron's transaction history. With these changes, assuming a ticket was automatically renewed hand as it passed the expiration date, it will not show in the Patron's transaction history. The history will show that the patron app will display a new ticket with the same voucher amount. There will be no visible changes in the patron app regarding auto-renewal. 

US362596/US362597: iOS/Android | Update “Powered by…” image

Within the VIP Mobility Patron App, an image beneath the "Play" button on the home screen used to read "Powered by Global Payments." This image has been updated to read "Powered by Pavilion Payments."



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2023-05-18 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: May 18, 2023


New Functionality


US344855: VIP Mobility E-Checks & CH 4 Reporting

US345430: Cashout at Kiosk via App

US300574: MW | Handle Renewed Ticket in History

US351377: MW | Enhanced Telemetry

US348994: MW | Ekata Service Update


New Functionality


US344855: VIP Mobility E-Checks & CH 4 Reporting

The work done in this user story ensured that the Location Name and Operator ID values appropriately reflected VIP Mobility E-Checks in the Core, gateway, and client.

US345430: Cashout at Kiosk via App

The work done in this user story will apply the same kiosk play limit to tickets issued at kiosks to ensure that jackpot payouts do not exceed the maximum cash limit set by the merchant.

US300574: MW | Handle Renewed Ticket in History

The work done in this user story ensures that a voucher is automatically renewed before expiration is placed into a state of Canceled by Auto-Renewal. Vouchers in this state will not show in the patron app but will be displayed in Admin Tools. The Renewed ticket will show as Issued. Tickets that expire before the activity type Canceled by Auto Renewal state will appear as Attempted Ticket in both the patron app and Admin Tools. 

US351377: MW | Enhanced Telemetry

With this update, telemetry data in app insights have been enhanced.


US348994: MW | Ekata Service Update

Ekata is transitioning the method of passing API keys to access Ekata APIs. Transition to API-essential authentication methods to avoid service disruptions and changes to your existing rules and risk models.



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2023-05-11 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: May 11, 2023


New Functionality


US350681: MW | Memory Leak - 409 error (HOTFIX)


New Functionality


US350681: MW | Memory Leak - 409 error (HOTFIX)

The previous release included updates to multiple code dependencies. It was discovered that one of the dependencies would introduce a memory leak if not scoped correctly within the VIPM application. The scoping has been corrected, and the leak has been resolved.



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2023-03-20 Middleware Release Notes


Release Date

iOS/Android: March 20, 2023


New Functionality

US333923 - MW | Reintroduce Voucher Auto-Renewal 

US242730 - MW | Handle all settlement option exceptions


New Functionality



US333923 - MW | Reintroduce Voucher Auto-Renewal 

Previously, the VIP Mobility team introduced an option to allow expiring vouchers to auto-renew within a patron's ledger so that they could cash out beyond the current expiration date. This feature was rolled back because not all casinos will enable vouchers to renew automatically. However, this is being reintroduced after further consideration, and configuration by property will be completed separately. 


US242730 - MW | Handle all settlement option exceptions

It was discovered that kiosk(s) in GLI had been timing out on a settlement request, which caused the check process to fail. As a result of the work done, the Mobility Get Settlement Terms endpoint will handle all exceptions so that no error results in a check process failure. In case of an exception, the Mobility Get Settlement Terms will return a zero-day settlement term and capture a metric for the failure. 




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2023-03-06 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.1

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.1


Release Date

iOS: March 6, 2023

Android: March 6, 2023


New Functionality


US305138/US305141 - B2C Token Expiration Flow

US306270/US307169 - B2C Token Expiration Flow not Happy Path


New Functionality


US305138/US305141 - B2C Token Expiration Flow  

Previously, when an Azure AD B2C token expired, the Patron was directed through the onboarding flow within the VIP Mobility app. With this change, when a patron does not use their VIP Mobility app for two (2) weeks or more, and the Azure AD B2C Token expires, the Patron is prompted to complete the Azure AD B2C MFA process rather than being directed to the onboarding process, before proceeding directly to the home screen. 


US305138/US305141 - B2C Token Expiration Flow not Happy Path

Previously, when an Azure AD B2C token expired, the Patron was directed through the onboarding flow within the VIP Mobility app. With this change, when a patron does not use their VIP Mobility app for two (2) weeks or more, and the Azure AD B2C Token expires, the Patron is prompted to complete the Azure AD B2C MFA process rather than being directed to the onboarding process, before proceeding directly to the home screen. 


In the Azure AD B2C MFA process, if a patron cancels or the reauthentication process fails, they are redirected to the Welcome screen to attempt the authentication process again. 


When a patron does not use their VIP Mobility app for two (2) weeks or more, the Azure AD B2C Token will expire. Upon expiration, the next time the Patron logs into the app, they will be prompted to complete the Azure AD B2C MFA process before proceeding to the home screen.



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2023-01-26 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.4.0

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.4.0


Release Date

iOS: January 26, 2023

Android: January 26, 2023


New Functionality - Mobile

VIP Preferred Multifactor Authentication


New Functionality - Mobile

VIP Preferred Multifactor Authentication

With this change, VIP Mobility patrons attempting to link their VIP Mobility profile to their VIP Preferred (VIPP) account now need to complete multifactor authentication (MFA) before being able to use the Transfer Funds functionality.

When a patron tries to link their VIP Preferred account to their VIP Mobility profile, they still need to enter their driver's license number and state. After selecting Next, patrons still need to enter the last four digits of their SSN and the last four digits of the phone number associated with their VIP Preferred account. After selecting Verify, if a patron's VIP Preferred account is found, they must complete multifactor authentication to confirm their identity. A patron can verify their identity through one of three multifactor authentication methods: SMS, Voice, or Email. After receiving a code via their chosen MFA method, when a patron enters a valid MFA code and selects Verify, they will see a message stating: You're All Set! You can now add funds to VIP Mobility from your eligible bank accounts.

In this MFA identity verification experience, a patron cannot enter a different phone number or email address from what is recorded in their VIP Preferred account.


The additions above were completed in the following work 

  • US323784/US324516 - Modify VIPP Linking Screens
  • US323794/ US324518 - VIPP Verification
  • US322206/US324520 - MFA SMS Verification
  • US323808/US324521 - MFA Voice Verification
  • US323809/US324523 - MFA Email Verification
  • US323796/ US324524 - MFA Verification Error
  • US327929/US327347- PIN Reset and MFA


Associated Work 

The middleware story that supports this update was completed and is in production. 

US324305 - Create New Endpoints for MFA Validation was released on January 26, 2023.



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2023-01-11 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.6


Release Date

iOS: January 11, 2023


New Functionality- Mobile

US321202 - iOS | Update ScandIt Version to 6.15


New Functionality- Mobile

US321202 - iOS | Update ScandIt Version to 6.15

ScandIt is used to scan data matrix tags on touchpoints. It was reported that users with newer iPhones were struggling to scan data matrix tags consistently and quickly; issues with phone cameras' focus caused scan failures. With this change, the iOS platform for VIP Mobility updated its version of ScandIt.




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2022-11-09 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.5

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.5


Release Date

Android: November 9, 2022

iOS: November 9, 2022


New Functionality- Mobile

US314010/US314013 -  Label Expired Vouchers in History

iOS - Operating System Minimum Increased to OS 14


New Functionality- Mobile

US314010/US314013 -  Label Expired Vouchers in History

VIP Mobility no longer automatically renews vouchers in a patron's ledger when they are due to expire. VIP Mobility's ticket expiration logic has been updated to remove auto-renewal for all participating VIP Mobility casinos. All tickets in a patron's ledger will expire based on a merchant's set ticket expiration. When a voucher expires, the funds from the voucher will be removed from a patron's ledger.  

The expired status of a ledger voucher can be seen in Admin Tools after searching for it or in the VIP Mobility History tab. 

If a patron wants to contest the expiration of a voucher, they must contact the merchant that issued the voucher. 


Version 1.3.5 of the VIP Mobility application will be a forced update. Patrons must update to 1.3.5 to continue using VIP Mobility and see expired ledger vouchers labeled in the History tab. 

      Ticket Status in Admin Tools


Expired Voucher Label in Patron History


Associated Work 

The middleware stories that support this update will be promoted to production. 

  • US305178: MW | Update Ticket Expiration Logic will be released on November 9, 2022.
  • US296742: MW | Handle Expired Ticket in Patron History will be released on November 9, 2022.


iOS - Operating System Minimum Increased to OS 14 

VIP Mobility is upgrading its minimum operating system for iOS from iOS 10 to iOS 14.

By increasing the minimum operating system to iOS 14, VIP Mobility will no longer be compatible with iPhone 6 devices and older. Patrons who need to update their operating system to iOS 14 will receive a notification to do so when they attempt to use VIP Mobility iOS version 1.3.5.



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2022-09-26 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.4

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.4


Release Date

Android: September 26, 2022

iOS: September 26, 2022



New Functionality- Mobile

US298122/US294026 - Homescreen Functionality Disabled Messages

US304145/US304336 Network Connectivity Error Messages

Defects - Mobile

DE95644 - iOS | GetSettlementTerms request missing MerchantId


New Functionality- Mobile

US298122/US294026 - Homescreen Functionality Disabled Messages

While on the home screen, depending on whether a patron is on-site or off-site, has ledger history, or has funds to play with, different combinations of the home screen buttons (Redeem Voucher, Transfer Funds, Withdraw Funds, and Play) will be enabled or disabled. With this change, if a patron selects one of the disabled buttons, they will receive messaging explaining why they cannot complete this action. 

For example, a patron's VIP Mobility application cannot detect a BLE signal from a touchpoint (slot or table) when a patron selects the disabled Play button. In that case, they will see the message: To play, visit a VIP Mobility casino.


Disabled Play Button User Messaging


US304145/US304336 Network Connectivity Error Messages

Previously, if there was a network disconnect during a transaction, the VIP Mobility application showed the message Oops, something went wrong! This message has been expanded to inform patrons and on-site casino staff about why an error occurred. A patron will see the Connection Error error if a network disruption occurs during a transaction. Please check your network connection and try again. This message will appear when a transaction fails because of a network connection error; it may also be presented on the home screen even after it seems like a transaction was completed successfully, prompting a patron to retry their transaction.



Defects - Mobile

DE95644 - iOS | GetSettlementTerms request missing MerchantId

An issue occurred where patrons with only redeemed tickets in their ledger could not purchase an eCheck when not on-site/out of range of a BLE signal. This has been remedied. Patrons who only have redeemed tickets in their ledger history can complete an eCheck transaction. 


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2022-08-01 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.3

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.3


Release Date

Android: August 1, 2022

iOS: August 1, 2022


New Functionality- Mobile

US282288/US286025 - New Version Update Timing

US290661/US291115 - Modify ScandIt Messaging for Touchpoints that require Bluetooth

US290662/US291116 - Second Scan Fail Message

US217148/US217149 - ObBrandingnding from middleware

Defects - Mobile

DE93348 -  iOS | New Patron able to fund with random MID

DE91053 - Android | Application Onboarding Not Progressing after App Is Idle



New Functionality- Mobile

US282288/US286025 - New Version Update Timing

With this change, patrons will receive the minimum supported error message when they launch VIP Mobility if they use an unsupported application version. If a patron needs to complete Azure B2C authentication, the minimum supported error version appears before the authentication process. If a patron does not need to complete Azure B2C authentication, then the minimum supported version error appears on the VIP Mobility home screen upon application launch of an unsupported version. When a patron receives the minimum supported version error message, VIP Mobility logs this occurrence. 

US290661/US291115 - Modify ScandIt Messaging for Touchpoints that require Bluetooth

The VIP Mobility team has modified the messaging for the second scan of a data matrix tag when a patron is scanning a slot or a kiosk to provide patrons with additional guidance when scanning data matrix tags on touchpoints that require a Bluetooth connection. 

  • If a patron scans a data matrix tag on a slot, they will see a message that says to scan the VIP code on the slot or table game they want to play. During the required second scan to confirm Bluetooth information, the messaging will change to Verifying. Keep the phone in place.
  • If a patron scans a data matrix tag on a kiosk, they will see a message that says to scan the VIP code on the kiosk where they want to play. During the required second scan to confirm Bluetooth information, the messaging will change to Verifying. Keep the phone in place.

With this messaging change, the VIP Mobility team hopes patrons will scan data matrix tags using their mobile devices long enough to complete Bluetooth connections and thus ensure successful transactions. 


US290662/US291116 - Second Scan Fail Message

With this change, when a patron is attempting to scan a data matrix tag during a Play or Withdraw on a touchpoint that requires Bluetooth (slot or kiosk), if the second scan of the data matrix tag fails because the Patron moved their mobile device away from the data matrix tag, VIP Mobility prompts the Patron to rescan the data matrix tag with the message Please scan the VIP Code again.


Defects - Mobile

DE93348 -  iOS | New Patron able to fund with random MID

Previously (before March 2022), when VIP Mobility was not able to identify a merchant by Bluetooth or ticket history, middleware randomly chose an active merchant to associate eCheck fees and funds with so that a new patron with no merchant history could add funds to their ledger without being on-site at a casino. iOS and Android application version 1.2.1, VIP Mobility removed the ability to allocate eCheck transactions to active merchants randomly. This change affected new patrons with no transaction history who were off-site at a merchant while trying to transfer funds to their ledger history.

With the above in place, an issue occurred where a new patron could fund their account from a casino based on a random active merchant. This issue was due to a cached value being used, causing conflicting sources of truth regarding the merchant associated with the transfer activity. This issue is fixed; a patron can only complete a transfer activity if BLE finds a merchant or has a previous transaction history. Transfer activities using random active merchants are not allowed. 


DE91053 - Android | Application Onboarding Not Progressing after App Is Idle

It was reported that after a patron installed the VIP Mobility application, onboarded it, and used it for everyday activity, they let it sit idle for an extended period (4 to 6 weeks). When the patrons returned to the VIP Mobility application, they were presented with the Getting Started screen. When they selected the "Get Started" button, the onboarding process did not progress, blocking the Patron from being able to use the application.

This is fixed. When patrons open the VIP Mobility application after leaving it idle for an extended period, the application prompts them to log in on the Get Started screen. When patrons select the "Get Started" button, they are carried through the Azure B2C process to authenticate and use VIP Mobility.




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2022-06-16 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.2


Release Date

Android: June 16, 2022



DE92928 - Android | New Patron able to fund without BLE



DE92928 - Android | New Patron able to fund without BLE

An issue occurred on-site where a new patron with no merchant history linked with VIP Preferred could fund their VIP Mobility ledger without being on-site at a casino. This issue resided in the Transfer Funds button being available for milliseconds when no merchant was identified, allowing someone to cash an eCheck when they were not on the property.

In the original front-end VIP Mobility implementation, the Transfer Funds button was defaulted to enabled when a patron navigated to the Home screen; it would then be disabled when no Bluetooth signals or previous merchant history could be found. This tactic enabled a minuscule opportunity for the Transfer Funds button even when no merchant was identified.


This has been fixed. The VIP Mobility team has disabled the Transfer Funds button by default while the home screen is loading, and the application looks for Bluetooth signals. A new patron without a funding history may only purchase an e-check when Bluetooth determines their location. The Transfer Funds button is still enabled upon merchant identification by BLE or previous transaction history. 


The VIP Mobility team will also update the minimum supported version for Android to 1.3.2 to force users into this application version update.


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2022-05-20 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.1

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.1


Release Date

Android: May 20, 2022
iOS: May 20, 2022


New Functionality- Mobile

US284000/US285355 -  VIPP Linking -  Log License Scan Failure

US284267/US285356 - Play/Withdraw -  Log First Touchpoint Tag Read Failure

US284264/US285361 - Play/Withdraw - BLE Connection Failures

US284265/US285362 - Play/Withdraw - Exceed Available Amount

US284262/US285357 - Slot/Kiosk -  Log Second Touchpoint Tag Read Failure

US284266/US285363 - Redeem - Voucher Scan Failure

US284263/US285360 - Play/Withdraw- Get Touchpoint Information Network Disconnect

US286025 - Android | New Version Update Timing


New Functionality- Mobile The VIP Mobility team has added logging opportunities from the mobile application to support patron troubleshooting. The work below provides more granular information on issues patrons could encounter while using VIP Mobility.

US284000/US285355 -  VIPP Linking -  Log License Scan Failure

With this change, when a patron attempts to scan their driver's license to link their VIP Preferred account with their VIP Mobility profile, if scanning the driver's license takes longer than 6 seconds, VIP Mobility will log this occurrence. VIP Mobility will log this occurrence if a patron abandons the driver's license scan after 6 seconds or if the Patron chooses to manually enter their driver's license number after attempting to scan their driver's license for more than 6 seconds. 

US284267/US285356 - Play/Withdraw -  Log First Touchpoint Tag Read Failure

With this change, when a patron attempts to scan a data matrix tag during a Play or withdrawal, if the first scan takes longer than 6 seconds, VIP Mobility will log this occurrence.

US284264/US285361 - Play/Withdraw - BLE Connection Failures

With this change, when a patron completes a Play or Withdraw on a touchpoint that requires Bluetooth (slot or kiosk), if a patron experiences a Bluetooth connection failure while connecting to the touchpoint, VIP Mobility will log this occurrence. 

US284265/US285362 - Play/Withdraw - Exceed Available Amount

With this change, VIP Mobility will log this occurrence when a patron completes a Play or a Withdraw if they enter an amount greater than their available ledger balance. VIP Mobility logs the amount of the Patron entered and the amount of ledger funds the Patron had available to Play or Withdraw. 

US284262/US285357 - Slot/Kiosk -  Log Second Touchpoint Tag Read Failure

With this change, when a patronattemptsg to scan a data matrix tag during a Play orWithdrawalw on a touchpoint that requiresBluetoothh (slot or kiosk), if the second scan of the data matrix tag takes longer than 6 second,s VIP Mobility will log this instance.

US284266/US285363 - Redeem - Voucher Scan Failure

With this change, when a patron completes a redemption by scanning a voucher, VIP Mobility will log this occurrence if scanning a voucher takes longer than 6 seconds. VIP Mobility will log this occurrence if a patron abandons the voucher scan after 6 seconds or chooses to manually enter the voucher barcode number after attempting to scan the voucher for more than 6 seconds.

US284263/US285360 - Play/Withdraw- Get Touchpoint Information Network Disconnect

With this change, if a patron experiences one or multiple network disconnects when connecting to a touchpoint during Play or Withdraw, VIP Mobility logs this occurrence and the touchpoint information. Mobile also logs the last one minute of connectivity history after a network disconnect occurs.

US286025 - Android | New Version Update Timing

With this change, patrons using an unsupported application version will receive the minimum supported error message when they launch VIP Mobility. If a patron needs to complete B2C authentication, the minimum supported error version appears before the authentication process. If a patron does not need to complete B2C authentication, then the minimum supported version error appears on the VIP Mobility home screen upon application launch of an unsupported version. When a patron receives the minimum supported version error message, VIP Mobility logs this occurrence.




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2022-04-25 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.3.0

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.3.0


Release Date

Android: April 25, 2022
iOS: April 25, 2022



New Functionality- Mobile

US282290/US282291 - Update No Funds Available to Transfer Message

US240345/US240346 - Consume MW Dictionary Endpoint

US278111/US278110 - Combined Loading Indicator for BLE Scan and Get Patron Info

US283759/US283791  - Transfer Funds not Accessible with no Merchant from Ledger Balance

US284012/US284261  -  Homescreen User Analytics

US280754 - iOS | Remove Phone Security Check

US282561 - Android | Relabel Touchpoint Name to Asset Name

Bluetooth Beacons

US255998 -  Android/iOS | Define  VIP Mobility beacon GUID

US244007 - iOS | Locations Service Required

US242569/US242568  -  Receive iBeacon Signals

US254528/US254669 - Find by BLE as branding backup

US254517/US254523  - Use MW Beacon ID

US254517/US254523 - Use MW Beacon ID

US282185/US282184  - Merge Beacon Code into Master + Testing

DE82175 - Android | Not able to find Test Merchant at GLI

DE81571 - Android | Unable to detect a merchant with or without the slot simulator

DE89166 - Android | iBeacon branding gets stuck loading when deactivating the beacon and switching to VIPM branding

DE82988 - iOS | iBeacon Causes Play (Home) Screen Animation to Freeze

DE82841 - iOS | Not able to find Test Merchant at GLI

DE82713 - iBrandingnding flickers to diffeBrandingnding when using iBeacons

DE81572 - iOS | Unable to detect a merchant with or without the slot simulator

US283031/US283318  - Show No Merchant in Profile


New Functionality- Mobile

US282290/US282291 - Update No Funds Available to Transfer Message

Since a patron has no funds available, VIP Mobility has changed the text in the Transfer To Bank tab for the transfer funds flow. The text now says You do not have available funds to transfer instead of You don't have available funds to transfer.


US284012/US284261  -  Homescreen User Analytics

With this change, the VIP Mobility team can capture, collect, and store data on patrons' click interactions on the VIP Mobility home screen. 

US280754 - iOS | Remove Phone Security Check

iOS patrons with or without device security/passcode can use the application. 


No modifications were made to the functionality of the VIP Mobility passcode. 

US282561 - Android | Relabel Touchpoint Name to Asset Name

For iOS and Android to better match, in transaction history on the patron application, Touchpoint Name has been renamed to Asset Name. 

Bluetooth Beacons 

The new beacons broadcast further and more substantial than individual touchpoints, providing patrons with a more consistent branding experience. 

  • US255998 -  Android/iOS | Define  VIP Mobility beacon GUID

  • US244007 - iOS | Locations Service Required

  • US242569/US242568  -  Receive iBeacon Signals

  • US254528/US254669 - Find by BLE as branding backup

  • US254517/US254523  - Use MW Beacon ID

  • US254517/US254523 - Use MW Beacon ID

  • US282185/US282184  - Merge Beacon Code into Master + Testing

  • DE82175 - Android | Not able to find Test Merchant at GLI

  • DE81571 - Android | Unable to detect a merchant with or without the slot simulator

  • DE89166 - Android | iBeacon branding gets stuck loading when deactivating the beacon and switching to VIPM branding

  • DE82988 - iOS | iBeacon Causes Play (Home) Screen Animation to Freeze

  • DE82841 - iOS | Not able to find Test Merchant at GLI

  • DE82713 - iBrandingnding flickers to diffeBrandingnding when using iBeacons

  • DE81572 - iOS | Unable to detect a merchant with or without the slot simulator

To match Android and provide the intended functionality of beacons, location services are now required for patrons to use the VIP Mobility application on iOS. When a patron turns location service off while using the application, VIP Mobility displays a message stating that location services are required to use the application.  

US283031/US283318  - Show No Merchant in Profile

When using VIP Mobility, if the application cannot identify a patron's merchant through Bluetooth (beacons or touchpoints) or from recent ticket transactions (active or redeemed ledger tickets), the Patron cannot complete a play or transfer funds. Additionally, no merchant name will appear in the casino field in the Profile tab.  



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2022-03-11 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.2.2


Draft Date: March 8, 2022

Intended Release Date: March 11, 2022

New Functionality- Mobile

US276102 - iOS | Invalid Touchpoint ID for Merchant Error Message

Defects - Mobile

DE88689 - iOS | Responsible Gaming Number Incorrect 


US276102 - Invalid Touchpoint ID for Merchant Error Message

With this change, VIP Mobility can ensure that patrons cannot complete a transaction on a touchpoint that does not match their location. Suppose a touchpoint ID is not associated with the same merchant in a patron's request. In that case, the VIP Mobility application will display the following error message: Sorry, unable to complete this request. For further assistance, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. Status: 422, Response: 142.


Defects - Mobile

DE88689 - iOS | Responsible Gaming Number Incorrect

The responsible gaming phone number was mistakenly referred to as 1 800 GAMBLER. The responsible gaming phone number at the bottom of the VIP Mobility Home screen has been updated to 1-800-522-4700 to reflect national contact information. 



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2022-02-28 Patron App Release Notes

VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.2.1

VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.2.1

Draft Date: February 24, 2022

Release Date: February 28, 2022

New Functionality- Mobile

US278092/US277301 - Patron Under Review Mid-transaction Error Message

US278091/US277477 - Patron Locked for Fraud Mid-transaction Error Message

US275131/US275133 - Check Patron Under Review Status Mid-transaction

US266870/US268920 - Patron Locked for Fraud

US254101/US254707 - Patron Under Review

US278101/ US277461 -  Remove Add Funds From Onboarding Flow

US271481/US276110 - Transfer Funds Disabled for Patrons with No Merchant History


New Functionality- Mobile

    US271481/US276110 - Transfer Funds Disabled for Patrons with No Merchant History

    With this change, VIP Mobility has removed the ability to allocate eCheck transactions to active merchants randomly. While on the home screen, if VIP Mobility is not able to find a patron's merchant by Bluetooth signal or ticket transaction history (active ledger ticket or redeemed ledger ticket), then the Transfer Funds button is disabled for a patron, and they are not able to transfer funds from their bank to their ledger. This change mainly affects new patrons with no transaction history who are off-site at a merchant while trying to transfer funds to their ledger history.


    US254101/US254707- Patron Under Review

    This feature allows authorized Pavilion Payments parties to temporarily or permanently deactivate a potentially fraudulent patron's VIP Mobility account and ledger. Patrons and their ledgers can be marked as Under Review, Locked for Fraud, or have a No Flag status. All patron data is retained when a patron's VIP Mobility account status changes.  


    On the home screen, when a patron's ledger is Under Review when they try to advance in the application, they are presented with an error message: Sorry, unable to complete this request. For further assistance, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973.Status: 422, Response: 137. VIP Mobility functionality is reduced when a patron's account is Under Review.

    1. Patrons can authenticate using B2C to the VIPM application
    2. Patrons can see ledger funds 
    3. Patrons cannot redeem a voucher
    4. Patrons cannot transfer funds 
    5. Patrons cannot withdraw funds 
    6. Patrons cannot complete table or slot play
    7. Patrons cannot tap the ledger to complete play or access funding 
    8. Patrons can access the history
    9. Patrons can access profile


    US266870/US268920 - Patron Locked for Fraud

    This feature allows authorized Global Payments parties to temporarily or permanently deactivate a potentially fraudulent patron's VIP Mobility account and ledger. Patrons and their ledgers can be marked as Under Review, Locked for Fraud, or have a No Flag status. All patron data is retained when a patron's VIP Mobility account status changes.  


    On the home screen, if a patron's ledger is Locked for Fraud, they see no error message when they try to advance in the application, and their application seems frozen. VIP Mobility functionality is halted when a patron's account is Locked for Fraud.

    1. Patrons can authenticate using B2C to the VIPM application
    2. Patrons cannot see ledger funds 
    3. Patrons cannot redeem a voucher
    4. Patrons cannot transfer funds 
    5. Patrons cannot withdraw funds
    6. Patrons cannot complete table or slot play
    7. Patrons cannot tap the ledger to complete play or access funding 
    8. Patrons cannot access history
    9. Patrons cannot access profile


    US275131/US275133 - Check Patron Under Review Status Mid-transaction

    The transaction will fail if a patron's ledger status is modified from No Status to Under Review or Locked for Fraud mid-transaction. Patrons see an error message and are directed back to the home screen. On the home screen, patrons will experience the access described above depending on whether their account is set to Under Review or Locked for Fraud.


    US278092/US277301 - Patron Under Review Mid-transaction Error Message

    After completing the functionality described in US275131/US275133 - Check Patron Under Review Status Mid-transaction, the VIP Mobility team uniformized the mid-transaction errors patrons received when their account was changed to Under Review. Most mid-transaction errors are as follows: The transaction has been canceled. No funds have been transferred. Try again. When patrons select Done, they are directed back to the Home screen. 

    US278091/US277477 - Patron Locked for Fraud Mid-transaction Error Message

    After completing the functionality described in US275131/US275133 - Check Patron Under Review Status Mid-transaction, the VIP Mobility team uniformized the mid-transaction errors patrons received when their account was changed to Locked for Fraud. Most mid-transaction errors are as follows: The transaction has been canceled. No funds have been transferred. Try again. When patrons select Done, they are directed back to the Home screen. 


    US278101/ US277461 -  Remove Add Funds From Onboarding Flow

    On the onboarding flow, VIP Mobility has yet to identify a merchant. Because of this, the team decided to remove the option to Add Funds directly from the onboarding flow. 


    Since a patron has created a new passcode and profile with VIP Mobility, the Patron cannot add funds from the Profile Created screen. When patrons select Done on the new Profile Created Screen, they are brought to the Home screen. From here, VIP Mobility can identify a merchant and allow a patron to add funds. 


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    2022-01-20 / 2022-02-03 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.2.0

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.2.0

    Draft Date: January 10, 2022

    Release Date: iOS - January 20, 2022 / Android - February 3, 2021

    New Functionality - Mobile

    US259123/US259122 - Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID

    US260218/US260217 -  Log All Network Disconnects

    US242608/US242385 - Error Message for Patrons in Poor Standing

    US264863/US264850 - VIP Select Combine Ticket Error


    Defects - Mobile

    DE85302- iOS | Transfer To Bank Is Limited by VIP Preferred Amount instead of Ledger Amount

    New Functionality - Mobile

    US259123/US259122 - Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID

    For Android and iOS, in transaction history on the patron application, Touchpoint ID has been renamed to Asset ID to use a term that casino staff recognizes. This change was also made within the Admin Tool's transaction history, as discussed at the end of this document. 



    US260218/US260217 -  Log All Network Disconnects

    For Android and iOS, VIP Mobility logs all network connectivity failures in App Insights when a patron experiences one or multiple network disconnects. Mobile also sends the last one minute of connectivity history after a network disconnect to be logged. This information will improve investigation efforts to define the events surrounding a network issue with patrons. 


    US242608/US242385 - Error Message for Patrons in Poor Standing

    VIP Mobility patrons not in good standing with their VIP Preferred accounts cannot access or use their available ledger funds. Patrons whose VIP Preferred accounts are in a status of Closed, Fraud, or Collections cannot use VIP Mobility to play at tables and slots, redeem a voucher, make withdraws at a cage or kiosk, or transfer funds to or from their bank account. For Android and iOS, if a patron attempts to complete any of these actions while in poor standing, they see an error message that states: Sorry, unable to complete this request. For further assistance, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973.Status: 422, Response: 129


    US264863/US264850 - VIP Select Combine Ticket Error

    VIP Mobility middleware handles exceptions when a patron fails to complete a VIP Select transaction. This ensures patrons keep their ledger funds when attempting a failed VIP Select transaction. 

    For Android and iOS, given that a patron has tried to complete a VIP Select transaction when VIP Select is unavailable because of combined VIP Select ticket errors, patrons now receive the following message when their attempt fails: Sorry, unable to complete this request. For further assistance, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. status:422 / error code:136 

    Defects - Mobile

    DE85302- iOS | Transfer To Bank Is Limited by VIP Preferred Amount instead of Ledger Amount

    When a patron's ledger balance was greater than their VIP Preferred limit, they were prevented from transferring any amount over their limit to their bank account. It was determined that iOS must correctly validate against a patron's remaining VIP Preferred limit, not their entire ledger balance. For example, if a patron had $2,000 on their VIP Mobility ledger and their VIP Preferred limit was $500, they could not transfer over $500 to their bank. 


    For VIP Mobility, all transfer to bank requests are expected to be completed successfully as long as the Patron's VIP Mobility ledger has enough funds to support the request. The VIP Preferred limit does not factor in VIP Mobility transfer to bank requests. With this fix for iOS, transfer to the bank appropriately uses a patron's ledger balance instead of their VIP Preferred limit as a limitation for the amount that can be transferred.

    This has been fixed and will be further tested by CAMS with support from VIP Mobility. 



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    2021-12-08 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.6

    Draft Date: December 2, 2021

    Release Date: December 8, 2021


    New Functionality - Mobile

    US260081: iOS | Background VIPM during Transaction using BLE

    Defects - Mobile

    DE83649: iOS | Component re-renders during Transaction Processing


    New Functionality- Mobile

    US26008 -  iOS | Background VIPM during Transaction using BLE

    The ability to background VIP Mobility on iOS was not included initially. When the iOS application was backgrounded for 30 seconds, after scanning a tag for a touchpoint, a transaction error message was displayed, and the attempted transaction did not complete successfully. This backgrounding functionality has been added. Transactions involving touchpoints are now complete as expected, even after backgrounding the iOS application for 30 seconds or less.


    Defects - Mobile 

    DE83649 - iOS | Component re-renders during Transaction Processing 

    During a slot play or kiosk withdrawal, the animation screen component appeared to re-render while processing the transaction. Then, an error message was displayed, but the transaction was still successful. The re-rendering and resulting error message but successful transaction needed to be more apparent to testers. There were also similar reports of this unexpected behavior at a merchant demonstration. 


    This has been fixed and verified during on-site testing. 


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    2021-11-19 / 2021-11-20 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.5

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.1.5

    Draft Date: November 1, 2021

    Release Date: iOS - November 20, 2021 / Android - November 19, 2021


    Defects - Mobile

    DE82412 - iOS | Voucher redemption fails right after onboarding

    DE82507 - Android | Patron brought to Home Screen after Redeeming Voucher in Onboarding

    DE83021 - Android | Backgrounding the app for 30 seconds causes an error during a transaction

    Special Interests

    US259121 - Admin Tools | Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID


    Defects - Mobile

    This list describes only defects found in regression testing or production. In-development defects found in QA or CERT are listed in the release readiness document. 

    DE82412 - iOS | Voucher redemption fails right after onboarding

    When a patron tried to redeem a voucher during the onboarding flow after creating a profile (screen shown to the right), the voucher redemption failed. VIP Mobility could not complete the voucher redemption during onboarding because the merchant had yet to be identified. Now, during onboarding, when a patron selects Redeem Voucher, the application will try to find a merchant via BLE. If VIP Mobility can't find a merchant by BLE, the Patron is prompted for the location of the voucher on the merchant selection screen. Once a merchant is identified, a patron can complete a voucher redemption from the onboarding flow through one of these two methods. 

    DE82507 - Android | Patron brought to Homescreen after Redeeming Voucher in Onboarding

    Given that a patron redeemed a voucher while in the onboarding flow, Android users were brought back to the Profile Created screen after redeeming a voucher. This has been fixed; now, after an Android user redeems a voucher from the onboarding flow, they are brought to the home screen. 

    DE83021 - Android | Backgrounding the app for 30 seconds causes an error during a transaction

    After reports on-site at a casino that backgrounding VIP Mobility was not working appropriately, the QA team completed tests and created this defect. When the Android application was backgrounded for 30 seconds after scanning a tag for a touchpoint, a transaction error message was displayed, and the attempted transaction did not complete successfully. This has been fixed; transactions involving touchpoints are completed as expected, even after the Android application is backgrounded for 30 seconds or less.


    Special Interests

    US259121 - Admin Tools | Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID

    User: All Users (Global Payments)

    In Admin Tools Transaction History, Touchpoint ID has been renamed Asset ID to use a term that casino staff recognize. The touchpoint ID number is still shown but is labeled Asset ID. The iOS and Android counterparts to this change are in development. 


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    2021-10-20 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.4

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.1.4

    Draft Date: October 11, 2021

    Release Date: October 20, 2021


    New Functionality- Mobile

    US257146 - Admin Tools | Remove Simulate Ticket

    US256137/US256226 -  Update Call to Redeem Slot/Kiosk Endpoint


    US257146 - Admin Tools | Remove Simulate Ticket

    The Simulate feature was available in Admin Tools in all builds. The function created a virtual voucher for testing because the QA team did not have access to paper vouchers. This functionality in a production environment on Admin Tools posed security/fraud issues. The function created a virtual voucher in Admin Tools and an actual voucher on the ticketing host. The Simulate ticket feature has been removed entirely from Admin Tools. When any Admin Tools user swipes right on a ticket, they cannot simulate the ticket.


    US256137/US256226 -  Update Call to Redeem Slot/Kiosk Endpoint

    An issue was reported where a patron attempted to play at a slot machine; the machine was never funded, and the Patron's funds were never returned to their ledger. The VIP Mobility team determined that this was due to a transient issue when creating the scheduled cancellation token, causing the cancellation process to conflict with the Race to Redeem process. To remedy this, the team implemented fixes intended to be part of Race to Redeem 2.0.


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    2021-09-25 / 2021-09-30 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.3

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.1.3

    Draft Date: September 13, 2021

    Release Date: iOS - September 25, 2021 / Android - September 30, 2021


    New Functionality


    US243863/US243859 - Cannot Transfer < $1 Error message with no BLE

    US244859/US244858 -  Update Responsible Gaming Phone Number

    US243595/US243594 -  Modify GAIN Messaging

    US247111/US247109  - VIPP Relinking Error Message

    US247355/US247530  - Phone Number Failed Validation Error Message


    New Functionality


    US243863/US243859 - Cannot Transfer < $1 Error message with no BLE

    There is now separate and distinctive messaging instructing patrons how to transfer values less than one dollar when they are outside the range of BLE signals from a casino location. VIP Mobility users not connected via Bluetooth will encounter an error message when trying to disburse an amount that is less than a dollar into their bank account via DDA. The error message tells the Patron that they cannot transfer an amount less than $1.00 and will need to enter an amount greater than a dollar, go on-site to a casino, or call CAMS to have the remaining balance sent via check. The error message reads: "Transfer to the bank must be greater than $1.00. Go to a casino or contact CAMS at 1-800-500-1973 to complete this transaction".


    US244859/US244858 -  Update Responsible Gaming Phone Number

    The responsible gaming phone number at the bottom of the VIP Mobility home screen has been updated to 1-800-522-4700 to reflect national contact information. 


    US243595/US243594 -  Modify GAIN Messaging

    For patrons enrolled in GAIN at an identified merchant, the messaging they receive when selecting the Available Funds option to trigger play has been modified. Patrons enrolled in GAIN will receive the following message: This account is part of the disassociated patron list; please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. 


    US247111/US247109  - VIPP Relinking Error Message

    The ability for patrons to relink their VIP Preferred account with another VIP Mobility profile was removed. Suppose a VIP Preferred account is already linked with a VIP Mobility profile. In that case, VIP Mobility does not allow the unlinking and subsequent relinking of that VIP Preferred account to another VIP Mobility profile. Suppose a patron or fraudulent patron attempts to link an already linked VIP Preferred account to a different VIP Mobility account. In that case, they will see the following error message: Sorry, I am unable to complete this request. For further assistance, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. Status: 422, Error: 131 


    US247355/US247530  - Phone Number Failed Validation Error Message

    When getting started using the application, patrons whose phone numbers fail the validation completed by Ekata are not permitted to create a VIP Mobility profile. Patrons whom Ekata flags will see the following error message in VIP Mobility after attempting to create a passcode and VIP Mobility account: Sorry, unable to complete this request. If you need any more help, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. Status: 422, Error: 132.


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    2021-07-14 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.2

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.1.2

    Draft Date: July 14, 2021

    Release Date: July 14, 2021


    New Functionality


    US240685/US240684 -  Remove Redeem Voucher Passcode Check

    US239167/US239125 -  VIPP Linking Error with Outstanding Balance

    US240821/US239125 - Onboarding PIN Reset Flow



    US240685/US240684 -  Remove Redeem Voucher Passcode Check

    The passcode screen has been removed from the Redeem Voucher flow in VIP Mobility for both platforms. Patrons will no longer need to enter their passcode to redeem a voucher. 

    US239167/US239125 -  VIPP Linking Error with Outstanding Balance

    When Pavilion Payments sets a patron's VIP Preferred account to poor standing, patrons need help to link it with VIP Mobility. Previously, the mobile application displayed the error Error Code 0/HTTP 500. For clarity, when a patron is in this situation, the following error will appear on both platforms: Sorry, unable to complete this request. If you need any more help, please get in touch with CAMS at 1-800-500-1973. 

    US240821/US239125 - Onboarding PIN Reset Flow

    During the onboarding process, after a patron verifies their mobility profile, they can reset their passcode after multiple failed attempts if they forget it when prompted (see the screen below). On iOS and Android, patrons can verify their mobility profile through SMS verification. Additionally, Android patrons can authenticate directly on the device if they use the same phone number.



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    2021-06-16 Patron App Release Notes

    VIP Mobility iOS Version: 1.1.2

    VIP Mobility Android Version: 1.1.2

    Draft Date: June 16, 2021

    Release Date: June 16, 2021


    New Functionality


    US239688/ US239687- Increase BLE Location Stickiness

    US239866 - Android | Improve re-auth after session expires


    DE77370 - Scanning a voucher for $0.01 fails when attempting to split

    DE77653 - Could not transfer total amount from ledger to bank


    New Functionality


    US239688/ US239687- Increase BLE Location Stickiness

    When walking around a property, VIP Mobility switches between BLE signals too often, causing branding changes in the application. User phones detected BLEs from non-boarded slots, kiosks, or beacons. Non-boarded devices were prompting VIP Mobility generic branding, and boarded devices were prompting location-specific branding. 


    Now, VIP Mobility will stick with the BLE signal in a patron's designated environment even though other BLEs are broadcast. If Bluetooth signals exist with the correct UUID, Branding will remain at the location currently identified until a new merchant BLE/UUID is detected. 

    US239866 - Android | Improve reauthorization after the session expires

    The VIP Mobility application silently handled session reauthorization after a patron's token expired. When a token expires, it can be reauthorized by the same or a different merchant. 


    Sometimes, users see an issue on Android when the authentication expires. The application would automatically reauthenticate, but the device received a merchant signal immediately because multiple BLE signals were in the mobile phone's vicinity. VIP Mobility would call to get the merchant's information before completing reauthentication. Although nothing was wrong when this occurred, users would see a 401 error on their home screen because the application called for merchant information before reauthentication was complete. After the reauthentication, the 401 error would disappear, and patrons could continue using the application. 


    To remedy this, the VIPM team changed the code's call sequence. If a user needs to reauthenticate, the application will only call for merchant information after reauthentication is complete, thus avoiding a 401 error.  



    DE77370 - Scanning a voucher for $0.01 fails when attempting to split

    When trying to scan a voucher that is $0.01, the VIP Mobility application showed an internal error.

    In this example, the voucher was redeemed. Still, the balance tickets were not issued to the ledger because VIP Mobility's randomization logic could not split the $0.01 amount into two or more tickets. To remedy this, balance tickets under $1.00 will not be divided into two or more tickets when issued to a patron's ledger balance. This matches other VIP Mobility voucher randomization logic, where any ticket greater than or equal to $1.00 is split when redeemed. 

    DE77653 - Could not transfer total amount from ledger to bank

    During testing on-site, users needed help to transfer their entire ledger balance to their bank account. They were shown an error message about insufficient funds. This was due to a rounding error on mobile, which has been remedied.



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    Admin Tools App

    Accumulated Release Notes

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    2021-11-17 Admin Tools Release Notes

    VIP Mobility Admin Tools Version: 1.0.7


    Release Date: November 17, 2021

    iOS versions will occur upon approval from Apple.


    New Functionality

    US259121 - Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID


    US259121 - Relabel Touchpoint ID to Asset ID

    User: All Users

    In Transaction History, Touchpoint ID has been renamed Asset ID, a term that casino staff recognize. The Touchpoint ID number is still shown and is labeled Asset ID. The iOS and Android counterparts are in development. 



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    2021-10-20 Admin Tools Release Notes

    VIP Mobility Admin Tools Version: 1.0.7


    Release Date: October 20, 2021

    iOS versions will occur upon approval from Apple.


    New Functionality

    US257146 - Remove Simulate Ticket


    US257146 - Remove Simulate Ticket

    The Simulate feature was available in Admin Tools in all builds. The function created a virtual voucher for testing because the QA team did not have access to paper vouchers. This functionality in a production environment on Admin Tools posed security/fraud issues. The function created a virtual voucher in Admin Tools and an actual voucher for the ticketing host. The Simulate ticket feature has been removed entirely from Admin Tools.